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The 20MWp solar power plant complex located in Mahan city of Kerman province consists of two solar plants each one with a capacity of 10 MWp in the vicinity of the 132/20 kV Mahan substation. The construction license for this solar plant was issued in 2017 by the Kerman Regional Electricity Company. A land area of 22 hectares was dedicated to each plant. The implementation of solar plants started in January 2016 and both were put into operation on August 26, 2016.

The construction of small solar plants was started by research centers on a scale of several kilowatts, and the tendency towards high capacities did not attract required developers at the early stage, but very favorable conditions of Iran have led to a rapid increase in interest of solar power plants with higher capacities. Iran geographically is located between latitudes 25 to 40 degrees north and has a high irradiance level. The annual solar irradiation in Iran is estimated between 1800 to 2200 kWh per square meter, which is higher than the global average. More than 280 sunny days are reported annually in most parts of Iran, which makes investment solar energy very attractive.

- Jask Total Development (Jask)
- Arka Solar Energy
- Taha Solar Energy
The construction license for this solar plant was issued in 2017 by the Kerman Regional Electricity Company and a land area of 22 hectares was allocated to each plant.After acquiring the relevant licenses from the government and other institutions, executive operations began in 2016 and were inaugurated on 27 July 2017, by high-ranking officials.
The importance of constructing a 10 MWp solar plant at Jask in Mahan region of Kerman province lies in the fact that firstly, the solar plant construction was implemented without impacting the environment and the natural lie of the land. Secondly, it paved the way for the development of similar solar plants with even higher power capacities.
Arka solar Energy Company
The Arka solar plant is located next to the Jask and may be regarded as twin installation projects as they are literally located side-by-side. These two solar plants each with a capacity of 10 MWp were planned at a chosen location near Mahan city of Kerman province and in the vicinity of the 132/20 kV Mahan substation.
The technical specifications of steel structures, the number of foundations, and the numbers of solar panels are exactly the same as Jask. This solar plant has 4 blocks of 2.5 MW. Each block consists of 205 tables on which a total of 38456 solar panels with a capacity of 260 watts have been installed. The energy produced by this power plant is also transferred through 20 kV high voltage cables to the Mahan distribution post at a distance of approximately 1 km.
Taha Solar Energy Company
According to license 97-803/1445, dated 1/19/2019, construction of the Taha Solar Energy Plant started on a land area of about 12 hectares in the Rafsanjan Special Economic Zone with a Primary capacity of 6.9 MWp in 2019. Due to transmission line constraints, the plant's capacity was then redesigned into two phases of 3MWp independent solar plants. The first phase of the project consists of 6060 AE-solar panels with a nominal capacity of each 450 watts and the second phase consists of 6048 panels of the same type each with a capacity of 500 watts. The energy produced by the solar panels is fed to 23.4 KW Advanced Energy inverters in the Phase-1 and 110KW Solis inverters in the Phase-2 plant. The produced energy of both phases is fed to the national grid via two separate transmission lines into two different distribution posts located at long distances of 4.7 and 11 km. Both phases were commissioned during the year 2023-2024.
Arg 100 MW Solar Power Plant
Simultaneously with the inauguration of the 20-megawatt Jask-Arka solar power plant complex, the construction of the largest solar power plant with a nominal capacity of 100 megawatts was started. The project was located just off the Kerman - Bam city road.
The capital allocated to this project was estimated at $145 million, of which $27 million was to be spent on the implementation of a special modern 132 KV dual-line from the solar complex to the Kerman main distribution substation at the distance of 11 km located on the outskirts of Kerman city.
Due to some problems beyond the control of the developer, construction of the solar project was halted. If all the conditions were suited for the implementation of a 100 MWp solar power plant in a plot of some 150 hectares, Kerman province would become one of the large centers of photovoltaic technology in the Middle East.

Localization and self-sufficiency
Localization and self-reliance approach was carried out during the implementation of both sites. Each of the Jask and Arka solar energy projects with a capacity of 10 MWp was executed based on the local capacities of the country. The developer’s procedure for the maximum use of local capacities as a symbol of national pride was considered by the country's officials during the inauguration of the solar plant.
In these solar power plants, steel structures weighing 930 tons were supplied by manufacturers in Isfahan province, all types of high and low voltage cables came from Yazd province, and 2.5 MW transformers were produced by Iran-Transfo Company – Zanjan. Other requirements with the exception of inverters and panels were purchased from either Tehran or Kerman vendors.
After several years of experience, field research has shown that whenever solar power plants are implemented relying on external sources, it adds less skill value to the power plant operators.
Furthermore, most of the infrastructure of the Jask-Arka solar power plant can be easily maintained due to it being made in Iran. Procurement of most of the components from Iranian sources has caused the power plant operators to reach the highest level of technical skill during the past years. All operators can practically maintain energy production equipment efficiently during all the different seasons of the year.
The successful execution of a complex solar farm, with a total capacity of 20 MWp, showed that firstly, the necessary skills are available for the implementation of large solar plant in Iran and secondly, there is a huge potential for high capacity new solar plants.
Undoubtedly, the project of establishing a program for the installation of 10,000 MWp solar projects by the current government during 2021 to 2024 is a testament to the ability of Iranian engineers.
Contact Us
Address of central office: Unit 5, No. 111, corner of Shahid Kani Fard (10th) St., off Kaj Sq., Saadat-Abad, Tehran, Iran
Power plant location: Right side of the old Mahan-Kerman road, Mahan, Kerman